Delivering enterprise improvement through idea implementation

We help deliver incremental gains by working with enterprises to adapt ideas and models and apply them in new contexts to maximise impact.

business innovation

We use enterprise experts who have lived experience of supporting often hundreds of individual enterprises to verify the efficacy of business models, using adapted design thinking and agile approaches as a launchpad for new innovations for specific problems in specific contexts.

We can help organisations foster and sustain innovation systematically within their operations. This approach recognises that innovation is a critical driver of long-term success and competitiveness in today’s rapidly evolving business landscape.

As a team we
can help you with:

Assessment and Strategy Development

Conducting a thorough assessment of the client’s current innovation capabilities and culture. We help the client identify strategic objectives and define innovation goals. Lastly, we develop an innovation roadmap with specific initiatives, milestones and timelines to drive innovation within the organisation.

Environmental, Eco-friendly and Green Innovation

We can help organisations deliver eco-friendly processes, materials and technologies to reduce carbon footprint, energy consumption and waste generation and adopt practises such as the circular economy models and supply chain management.

Social and Ethical Considerations

We have a vast expertise in helping organisations address their ethical issues, labour practises and community engagement ensuring fair treatment of employees, diversity and inclusion, community engagement and corporate responsibility practises.

Ideation and Brainstorming Workshops

Design and deliver workshops and brainstorming sessions involving cross-functional teams to encourage diverse perspectives and creativity.

Technology Scouting and Trend Analysis

We can help with identifying emerging technologies, industry trends that can be leveraged for innovation and identify potential partners that align with the client’s innovation goals.

Prototyping and Validation

We can assist with the development of prototypes or proof-of-concept to validate innovation to minimise risk and refine concepts,embracing agile development methodologies prior to full implementation.

Implementation and Change Management

Supporting implementation of innovative solutions that involve process changes, technology adoption or culture shifts using tried and tested change management expertise.

Performance monitoring and optimisation

Supporting iterative improvements to optimise the innovation process over time.

Talent Development and Training

We offer training programmes and workshops to develop the innovation skills of our clients, fostering a culture of innovation by empowering employees to contribute to the innovation journey.

Disruptive Innovation

We can help with the development of blue ocean strategies that transform existing industries and create entirely new markets thorough market transformation and new value propositions that leverage new technologies. We focus on agile development methodologies and assistance pivoting to market feedback and emerging opportunities.